Mindenkit szeretettel várunk A Kis Könyves Éj alkalmából a Massolitba!

Igazi nemzetközi hangulat: Ónodi Eszter olvas fel magyarul, majd orosz művészek kiállítás-megnyitója következik, utána angol nyelvű könyvbemutató – vendégünk Matt Henderson Ellis, amerikai író, közben magyar borok bemutatója zajlik, végül a belga Rataplan zenél nekünk!


16.00-17.00: Ónodi Eszter felolvasása Dimitri Verhulst: Elcseszett napok egy elcseszett bolygón c. könyvéből

17.30: Maxim Gurbatov és Anna Chaikovskaya: Guttenberg esete a cirill ábécével 

Különleges cirill ábécén alapuló kiállítás. Megnyitja Hetényi Zsuzsa irodalomtörténész.

Anna Csajkovszkaja és Makszim Gurbatov művészházaspár egyedülálló projektje a betű mint tárgy, a betű mint jel, a szó, a könyv, a képzőművészet bonyolult viszonyrendszeréből mutat meg valami különlegeset, megismételhetetlent, lenyűgözőt.


19.00: Dedikálással egybekötött könyvbemutató: Matt Henderson Ellis: Keeping Bedlam at Bay in the Prague Cafe

A Budapesten élő amerikai szerző az a New Europe Books kiadónál frissen megjelent regényét mutatja be.

21.00: Rataplan koncertje

Programmes in Massolit Books and Cafe

4pm-5pm: Ónodi Eszter Hungarian actress going to read from the book: Elcseszett napok egy elcseszett bolygón by Dimitri Verhulst. Published by Európa Kiadó. It’ll be in Hungarian language.

5.30 pm: Maxim Gurbatov and Anna Chaikovskaya: Guttenberg case with Cyrillic alphabet

A unique exhibition of letter-paintings created ont he basis of old Cyrillic typographic letters. First time in Budapest!


‘The Book of Letters’ was born from our admiration for the beauty of these letters. We wanted to play a big game and so we have invited to the stage the heroes, which have never been seen by spectators before. The letters have appeared here in all their gorgeousness: large, material like bread, and lovely like birds. They have been assembled and turned into words and sentences – both for reading and for scrutinizing. 

A complex of large-scale volumetric compositions is the main way of the existence of letters in The Book. Here their plastic qualities are becoming more important than grammar, and their color subjugates everything up to the smallest details of punctuation. It can be said that each letter is a part of ornamental pattern here. And this ornamental pattern can be read by viewer. And of course, don't forget that a typographic letter is a mirror image of common letter, and the only way to read is to read backwards, from left to right.

Each art-object of ‘The Book of Letters’ has two parts: a big composition from old wooden typography letters and a text about letters. What are these texts about? About love, espionage, war, Cyrillic alphabet, God’s name, and magic bird.

7 pm: Matt Henderson Ellis: Keeping Bedlam at Bay in the Prague Cafe 

The author presents his newly released book. Don’t miss this opportunity! About the book

Keeping Bedlam at Bay in the Prague Café

"[G]enuine imagination and an energetic wit. Ellis vividly re-creates the atmosphere of a city in the throes of transformation as well as the American Quixotes who populate this new frontier." — Publishers Weekly

"An ode to expatriate living, culture clashes, and the heady days of early 1990s Europe, this novel is a manic, wild ride. . . . [D]arkly comic . . .immersive, nostalgic, and thoroughly enjoyable." — Booklist

"Former barista John Shirting from Chicago, an expat in the hallucinatory Prague of the Nineties, stands in the good company of Ignatius J. Reilly, Chauncey Gardener, and Forest Gump.” — Andrei Codrescu

Matt Henderson Ellis

Matt Henderson Ellis is an American who has lived in Hungary since 2001. A former Starbucks barista, he has also taught English, done voice-over work, and written about food and drink for the blog Chew.hu. Currently a writer and free-lance manuscript editorby trade, his first novel, Keeping Bedlam at Bay in the Prague Café, will be released by New Europe Books in February 2013. Pilvax Magazine, the literary review he co-founded and edits, is available at fine independent bookstores internationally, and on-line at pilvaxmag.com. You can occasionally find him at Klub Vittula, haranguing the bartenders in his relentless campaign to get them to carry a decent micro-brew.Ű

8 pm: There will be a complimentary glass of wine offered by Taste Hungary

9 pm: Rataplan songs at Massolit

Rataplan is a Belgian artist, now based in Budapest. He started with writing and performing poetry. When he (re)discovered artists like Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen, and also less 'serious' ones like Loudon Wainwright or Devendra Banhart, he felt like picking up the guitar and writing songs.

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